Floating solar PV panels

Floating solar PV power

Turn bodies of water into solar PV power plants whilst improving water quality with our floating solar PV power solutions.

Ideal for community power, municipal reservoirs, lakes, rivers and even the sea, floating solar PV preserves water quality by reducing exposure to solar U.V, greatly reducing the buildup of algae whilst generating power to drive pumping stations, irrigation systems and to feed back to the grid.

With Southeast Asia’s abundance of large bodies of water, there are substantial opportunities to develop solar capacity without the land constraints that ground based solar PV demands.

Floating solar PV performs between 10 – 15% better than roof or ground based solar plants due to the water’s natural cooling effect.

Covering the surface of the water with floating solar PV brings multiple benefits, from significantly reducing water temperature to providing shelter for fish or prawns.

Fish farming is energy intensive business, many pumps are needed to keep the oxygen levels up in the water, particularly in Asia’s hot climate.

We could think of no better solution than to cover up to ¾ of your body of water with a floating solar power plant, naturally increasing oxygenation whilst making your business energy sustainable, or feeding energy back to the grid with 100% clean power generated by the sun.

With a 30-year life expectancy and usually around the same installed cost as ground based PV, floating solar power is a big hit in Asia, particularly when installed as embedded power generation near industrial or hydro power plants where connection capacity is readily available.

Your floating solar PV plant can be up and running in no time at all, with even the largest projects taking no longer than 3 – 4 months to complete.

If you have a body of water and you would like us to consider installing floating solar PV power, take the first step and get in touch with us today.